lunes, 7 de mayo de 2018

Under the weather with the weather (Week 10).

Good morning everyone! how are you? 

The weather is going to be the topic for this blog. Sometimes we struggle to look for vocabulary in relation to the weather. Here I provide you with a couple of pieces of news about weather issues. Additionally, I will underline the essential vocabulary: 


The forecast for the next seven day period (1st to 7th May2018) indicates that:
  1.   Rainfall is expected to continue over several parts of the Country with a general reduction in amounts and intensities.
  2.   Significant increase in amount and intensity is expected over the Coast.
  3.   Localized heavy showers and thunderstorms may occur over parts of the Lake Victoria Basin, the
    Highlands West of the Rift Valley, the Central and South Rift Valley, the Northwest, and the Central
    Highlands (including Nairobi), during the first half of the forecast period.
    Possible Impacts:
  4.  Floods may continue to occur during the first half of the forecast period especially in low-lying and poorly drained areas that have already been receiving heavy rainfall.
  5.   There may also be land-slides in areas where the soils have become saturated with rain and flood waters;
  6.   Traffic disruptions may occur in urban areas during heavy downpours

    TEXT 2
    Under the influence of a Western Disturbance; a cyclonic circulation over Haryana and a west­east trough from northwest Rajasthan to central Madhya Pradesh in lower levels, thunderstorm accompanied with gusty winds and moderate squall (speed between 50 to 70 kmph) is very likely at isolated places over Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh & Delhi and West Uttar Pradesh during next 48 hours. Hailstorm is also likely at isolated places over Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand during the same period.
    ♦ Maximum temperatures very likely to remain in the range of 40­44°C over Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Interior Maharashtra and over some parts of Telangana, Rayalaseema and interior Odisha during next 2 days.
    ♦ Thunderstorm observed at a few places over Jammu & Kashmir; at isolated places over Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Chandigarh, Assam & Meghalaya, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram & Tripura, Kerala, Coastal Karnataka, North Interior Karnataka and Tamilnadu from 0830 hours IST of yesterday to 0830 hours IST of today.
    ♦ Yesterday, Heat wave observed at one or two pockets over Vidarbha. 

    The majority of vocabulary underlined in the previous texts are nouns which refer to weather phenomenons such as thunderstorm or rainfall. Then, there are other expressions which describe the kind of temperature that is expected, for instance, maximum temperatures of 40-44ºC. 

    In the following graphs, there is the representation of the intensity of rain conditions of two particular places. 

    Both graphs restrict its information to rain conditions and temperature. Besides, such conditions are represented through the same method: millimeters are depicted on the left of the graph, temperature are marked on the right and time is represented horizontally. 

    The origin of such rain conditions is unknown, nevertheless both places must be really different in terms of weather due to the graphs' information. In the first graph, it can be seen that there is very little rain at the beginning of the year. However, there is a noticeable raising in the following months: March, April and May, being april the one with highest intensity. Following with this graph, in the summer till September, there is hardly rain. Finally, in October, November and December, there is rain expected with a reduction in December.  

    In comparison with the first graph,  the second one presents abundant rainfalls. The beginning of the year is depicted as similar to the first graphs, nevertheless, from April onwards rainfalls are significantly increasing in amount and intensity. However, December seems to reduce rainfalls as well as in the first graph.  

    Last weekend I have been reading the book "Leprechauns, legends and Irish Tales" in order to know more about the Irish culture! 

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