lunes, 19 de marzo de 2018

Telling the truth! (Week 6)

Hey people how are you? Getting ready for your vacations?

The topic of this week deals with lies. Are you able to find whether a person is telling the truth or lying to you? How could you know if someone is lying to you?

There are people that have their own theories about how to notice if someone is lying or not. It's just a matter of paying attention and hear directly to the person that is talking to you. This way, you can face him or her and try to analyze better the situation. In contrast, if you are not facing that person, it would be easier for them to get away with it in case they are lying.

According to some researchers that I've made about how to know if someone is lying to you, these are some key findings:

1. Someone who is lying to you tends to look dart back and forth due to their discomfort. In other words, they cannot look at you straight to your eyes. However, there are other theories which say that a person who lies normally look straight to your eyes thinking that this way, the other person couldn't think he or she is lying. Another sign to catch lies and has to do with the eyes is its blinking. If a person blinks a lot while saying something, at some point, it gets suspicious.

2. False smiles and face touchings are other ways to know whether someone is lying or not.

3. Excessive sweating can be a cause of nervousness and therefore, that can be a possible proof of someone lying. Normally people do not sweat when communicating something, so the apparition of this problem can be a little bit weird. This problem can also affect their breathing accelerating it.

4. Another effect of someone lying has to do with how he or she provides with the information. If they are repeating phrases or sentences and making too much emphasis on what they are saying, here we can capture a lier!

Anyway, it is not always easier to find a lier. Everybody tells lies at some point and sometimes, these lies are said for good to a certain extent. Nevertheless try to tell lies as less as possible!

Here I found some of the theories previously discussed:

I watched the movie "Liar, Liar" a long time ago and it was hilarious! The facial reactions of the protagonist are a little bit exaggerated though. Nevertheless, that's is what the movie was about, the protagonist being such a liar most of the time.

This week I've been practicing English with listening exercises.

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