viernes, 8 de diciembre de 2017

You live and learn. (Week 11)

Hello bloggers! how are you doing? 

The topic of today is “you live and learn”. I’m sure everybody has thought about going abroad and staying there for a couple of years to study. Nevertheless, information about programs that allow you to study abroad seem to be like taboo topics in the educational system. Nobody provides information about the great variety of programs that we have to study abroad, except for the Erasmus scholarship. Luckily, nowadays having internet we can make our own research about all these programs that offer this experience of going abroad to study. 

The decision of going to study to other countries depends on the situation of each one. A student can have the opportunity to study abroad not only in college but also in high school. There are also another programs that offer the activity of going to achieve academic skills abroad during the summer. 
Any program has its own requirements in terms of grades, language, price, locations… therefore, having decided your preferences, I’m sure you can find a program that suits your profile you perfectly. 

Having spent awhile looking for different types of programs of studying abroad, here I provide you the list of ones of the most successful ones: 

To study abroad in high school during both the academic year and the summer: 

To study abroad in college during both the academic year and during the summer:

I strongly recommend to any student of any professional field to try one of these wonderful experiences. It will be a great positive point for your CV I promise!

This week I’ve been looking for exercises to practice word formation and phrasal verbs in English. Challenging exercises! 

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