viernes, 8 de diciembre de 2017

Making decisions. (Week 13)

Hello everyone!

Today I'm going to do a short review about not a movie but a TV show called "13 Reasons Why" have you watched it? 

13 Reasons Why is "an american drama-mystery web television series" created by Brian Yorkey. The main protagonists of the TV show are Hannah Baker and Clay Jensen. In the first chapter of the season Hannah Baker is introduced as a character who has recently died. The following chapters are about a series of contributions that have been enough for Hannah to kill herself. Both the audience and rest the characters of the TV show get to know all her reasons to her own death through 14 tapes that she has recorded herself. 

This TV show has gained a great success due to the plot that it develops. The principal location of the plot is the high school, where all these characters spend most of their time. This high school is as one where you can feel an atmosphere of prejudices upon people. There is this division between the popular ones and the nerd ones. Hannah is not categorized in any of these groups, she is depicted as the weirdo of the high school due to she is the new one. 

Hannah's contact with this new atmosphere is not quite successful. She tries to make friends but these friends seems not to be the ones that last long. Therefore, Hannah starts to collect her bad experiences all together which give rise to her fatal inner emotional state. Consequently, as she cannot bear this situation, she puts an end to her life. 

The plot of this TV show can be pretty influencing from a negative point of view. I like how the characters are performing on stage as you can take them seriosly, nevertheless this does not mean I like the plot. Hannah's exaggerion of her feelings is taken to an extreme which is not the solution to her situation. The solution to students who can be bullied both psychologically and physically, they must go to the authority in each case, and let know what is actually happening.

This TV show has shown a negative morality when it comes to give a "solution" to Hannah's life. As a conclusion, I think it is not the solution to bullying and that they should clarify this idea in the following seasons.
I'm continuing doing exercises of word formation and rewritings to improve my English grammar constructions.

Have a nice weekend!

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