sábado, 28 de octubre de 2017

Connections. (Week 6)

Hi Kezia,

I’m so happy to hear about you, what great news that you got your masters degree. Here in Spain everything is going well, I’m a little bit overwhelmed with college but I can cope with it. As you know here I cannot speak English with anyone, but still, I get by practicing it everyday. The best way to practice it for me is to speak with native speakers with whom I can develop my fluency. My university provides certain programs that allow international students to meet Spanish students to get to know each other. Firstly we have the “buddy program”. This program opens up at the beginning of the course and it facilitates the contact between an international student and a Spanish one. This way, the Spanish student somehow adopts this other international student to make easier his staying in Spain. Actually, I met Camille through this program. She is french and we get along on really well. Secondly, there are other meetings that are called “Tandem” where people from all around the world join in and practice different languages, specially English. 
Apart from these programs, there are other ways to help you going on practicing English with native speakers via internet, but you know… it’s better face to face. Anyway, every week I phone either my american family or my Irish friend and this way, it also helps me to pick up my level of fluency. 

Here I write down some webpages that help to know how to write formal letters:

1. https://www.usingenglish.com/resources/letter-writing.php
2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise/factsheet/en11lett-l1-f-writing-formal-letters
3. http://www.hiedracenters.com/clubdeingles/how-to-write-a-formal-letter/

This week, apart from keeping in touch with my American relatives I have applied for a course in English-Spanish literary translation so that I can consolidate my English! 

Have a nice day!

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